Story is central to living.
Little we understand as a species is disconnected from a larger narrative within which it plays a role. Our tales transmit meaning and invite shared experience; they bridge distances between people that otherwise seem impossible to cross.
Stories are also the central preoccupation of my life and have been since I was able to grasp how they work. As a writer, I’m drawn to stories of core human experiences found in seemingly small moments. As an editor, I help writers make the ideas that matter most to them in the world ready to share with others. And as an educator and speaker, I work to create opportunities for people to connect the stories they know with ones they don’t so they can re-see the world and themselves in ways they haven’t before.
My economy, then, is human connection that leads to learning, and its currency is narrative in its many forms and purposes. In this framework, I work to help people learn how to accrue interest on their words, saying more with less and growing less concerned about writing more.