Landing at a Beginning...
The first post on a new blog is, by its very nature, an awkward animal. In some ways, it feels a bit like a profile summary on a dating site, but less directly productive. In any case, both have one facet in common - the need for brevity.
So, in the spirit of the quick read, welcome to my blog writing after sunsets, a place where I intend for the written life to be displayed, discussed, and celebrated.
In other terms, I hope writing after sunsets becomes a catalyst that encourages and inspires readers who stop through to see the world as a writer and their lives as a story they are writing. In that sense, what I want most out of this blog is that it multiplies story.
There will be a number of regular features to the blog ranging from original work (from me and others), reflections on writing, features about writers worth reading, and also linked content from other sites and stories I find worth passing on. On that score, I invite any and all suggestions you may have in terms of content I might pull in for readers.
But, to put a fine and simple point on it, I hope that whatever you find here turns you back to the keyboard, voice-to-text interface, or pen and pad. Enjoy and thanks for visiting.