Post-Election Conversations…
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A follow up on yesterday’s post. You can find it here.
I went to bed last night knowing that my son’s fears had been realized in the election, and also that he didn’t know yet. I found him sleeping in our room again because of his agitation.
I didn’t sleep well, and then my alarm went off. He wasn’t even fully awake when he asked:
“Who won, Dad?”
A note before pushing on: this isn’t likely to go where you think it will.
I answered honestly and held him as he tried to figure out—out loud—what it means now that what he was afraid of is real. I did the same with all three of my kids. It was a tough morning.
Here’s what we have decided so far. This election is over, but its challenge is not. What has been exposed by the process is ugly, but ugly has always been with us. And there is no option of checking out as if we bear no role in responding to what we see.
So we will:
choose hope over despair;
look for those who are hurting or afraid and respond with love;
listen to what to the words and stories of those who are usually silenced;
speak truth into the vacuum of bias and division we live in;
refuse to limit who we are because of who others want us to be;
and refuse to allow injustice to pass in silence.
If there is a mandate in this election, it’s that this country needs to find its heart. If we do, we need to use it rather than guard it. Ours is the sin of believing the world can only be only right when it resembles our version of how it should be. The suffering that myopia causes and has caused is enormous.
I’m looking to atone out loud for the sake of my kids and my country.
Post Script: Two incidents of note happened after I finished writing this that I think speak to what I’m working on here.
First, when dropping my sons off at school this morning, my parting words were, “Choose hope and look for people who need help.” As they walked away, another parent pulled into the loading zone and as his kid got out I heard, “You tell people how wrong they were and how Donald Trump made those idiots see.” They both laughed.
And second, I’ve already heard from six students trying to figure out how to understand their world in light of this paradigm shift. All have been openly harassed this election season for the color of their skin or their sexual orientation.
If you have said, “Make America Great Again” at any point, start by fixing these.